EduSmart LMS - User Guides and Videos

How to Create a Live Lesson Playlist for Your Use

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This user guide will show you how to create an live lesson playlist for your use.  Using playlists allows you to combine two or more lesson components into one list that can then be used for live instruction with your students. By using a Live Lesson Playlist, you do not have to continuously go back and forth to Content Library or My Library to launch the next step in your lesson plan.


Building an Live Lesson Playlist is easy.  As you browse EduSmart Lesson Components, look for the "Playlist" icon.


Imagine that you are starting a unit on Light, and you want to present the Instruction Modules to your students during class. Select "Instruction Module" to view the available lesson components for this particular standard.


Notice that this EduSmart Unit contains three different Instruction Modules to support this standard. Without the "Playlist" option, you would have to return to this section of the Content Library every time you finish one Instruction Module to launch the next. 


Select the "Playlist" icon or the first Instruction Module to begin creation of a Live Lesson Playlist that will include all three Instruction Modules in one place.


In the upper right corner of the screen, notice that the "Playlist" icon and counter now displays a "1" indicating that you have added a lesson component to your Assignment Playlist.


To add the next two Instruction Modules to your Playlist, select the "Playlist" icon for each.


Notice that the "Playlist" icon in the upper right corner of the screen now shows that the playlist contains 3 items.  Select this icon to show the contents of the current Playlist.


After selecting the "Playlist" icon in the upper right corner of the screen, you will see the current contents of the Playlist. You can use the hamburger icon by each Lesson Component to drag it to a new location on the list if you want to change the order. You can select one of the "x" icons to delete a Lesson Component from your Playlist. Select the "Create Live Lesson" button to continue.  Creation of "Assignment" playlists is covered in a separate User Guide.


The "Select Grade" and "Select Unit" fields are automatically populated with the current unit, but you can change those if you like.  The third field, "Select Subunit," is optional.  In this example, we selected the 5.6(C) subunit.  You must give your Assignment Playlist a title.  We recommend using the standard code at the beginning to make finding assignments easier by sorting. Select the "Add Instructions" icon if you want to include instructions or notes for yourself.


In the Live Lesson Playlist section, note that you can drag-and-drop Lesson Components to change the order.  You can use the "Add resource" button to go back and add additional Lesson Components if you wish.  You can also delete any Lesson Components if desired.  Once you are satisfied with your Live Lesson Playlist, select the "Save live lesson" button. With longer Live Lesson Playlists, you may have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the "Save live lesson" button.


Once your Live Lesson Playlist is saved, you will have options to Go to Workspace or Go to Content Library.  Your Live Lesson Playlists are saved in Workspace, so, for this example, we will select Go to Workspace.


In Workspace, select the "Live Lessons" tab to display your Live Lesson Playlists. You can see the Live Lesson Playlist titled, "5.6(C) Light - An Introduction," that we just created at the top of the list. Notice that there is an action button to share your live lesson with colleagues. Under the ellipsis icon, you will find options to Edit, move, Duplicate, and Remove your Live Lesson Playlist.

Select the "Start live lesson" button to launch your Playlist and begin your lesson. 


A new browser window will launch that shows you the elements of your Live Lesson. You can launch and operate any of the Live lesson plan items in the list on the left by selecting the Lesson Component. The blue icon in the upper right is used to maximize the Lesson Component to full screen. We recommend using this so that animations and visuals are presented at maximum size for your students. Select the "Exit lesson" button to close the Live Lesson Playlist.


Previous Article How to Create an Assignment Playlist for Your Students
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