EduSmart LMS - User Guides and Videos

My Groups Tour

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My Groups is the section that contains your class groups.  This section is your gateway to viewing assignment reports and results for entire classes and individual students.


My Groups will display the class groups that are provided to EduSmart by your district.  In many cases, these are update daily or weekly, so new students will show up automatically in class groups that are auto-generated through rostering with your district.  You are free to create your own groups if you wish, but you will be responsible for updating and maintaining those groups since this cannot be accomplished through the automated rostering system.  For each class group, you have function icons to open and view the class group, generate assignment reports, and delete the group.  Please do not delete the auto-generated groups.


If you choose the View Group function from the main screen, you will see a full roster of the students enrolled in that class group.  You are able to add or delete students to a group, but always select the Save class group icon before leaving the page to save your changes.  The Print Label option is useful for schools that do not have automated single sign-on set up to access EduSmart.  Add subgroup will be discussed in the next section.


If you choose to create a subgroup for one of your class groups, the view will look like this.  You can have multiple subgroups for each class group.  One use of subgroups is to make differentiation easy.  In the example below, there are four students in the main class group.  There is a subgroup called GT students that contains two students from the main class group.  A class assignment could be made to the entire class and then supplementary materials could be assigned only to the members of the GT Students subgroup.  There could be ELL and Special Education subgroups as well.  The students do not see the names of these subgroups, and they would simply see additional assignments beyond the ones given to the main class group.


The last option, View Reports, will be covered in a separate User Guide.

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